Marlin wrote:
> So, while I am not convinced that Christmas trees, 
> or celebrating Christmas on Dec 25th for that matter, 
> are pagan/sinful practices, I'm willing to hear
> Marlin out as often as he wants to discuss it.  
> To me, it's one of those scripturally 
> not-specifically-spelled-out situations.

One problem is that Marlin, like many on this issue, does not discuss
the matter.  He simply states his position and lists all manner of links
and the writings of others to make his case.  The information he
presents is full of holes, and when these problems were pointed out last
year, there was little or no response.  Now he presents the same old
arguments all over again as if it has not already been discussed.  He
even presents the same Scriptures.

If someone wants to discuss Christmas trees, that would be fine, but to
just blast shotguns of information upon people who celebrate Christmas
produces no good fruit as far as I can see. It seems to me that he just
does not celebrate Christmas and has some kind of chip on his shoulder
toward those who do.  Maybe he is upset that Christmas is more
celebrated in our culture than the Jewish moedim.  This seems to be the
same problem with those of us who give greater honor to observing the
Lord's Day of resurrection rather than the Jewish Sabbath on Saturnday.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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