Gary wrote:
> ok; but if sha isn't requiring baptism of me, 
> why would she do it herself?

You should ask her, but I'm sure it was not so that she could post here.
Remember that even the devil can post here.

Gary wrote:
> my question, similar to the other/s (to IZ), is 
> *'a new convert' [to what]*? 

To faith in Jesus Christ.

Gary wrote:
> and of 'Superman', too, acc to gist of Kevin's 
> quote/s; in that, they are interchangeable

That certainly would not be my language, but the idea that we are meant
to be more than mere men, yes.  To become a son of God would be the
Biblical language.  I guess somebody might call that a superman, but I
wouldn't, just like I didn't like the title for Jesus being, "Jesus
Christ Superstar."
Gary wrote:
> at least (acc to this) DaveH admits he has sin; 
> and, you're sayin' that ain't your style, which 
> we realize; it's probably not neccesary in your 
> form of baptism

Gary, try a little experiment.  Go jump in some mud and get completely
muddy.  Then go take a bath and wash it all off.  Are you still muddy?
Are you dirtier or cleaner than before you jumped in the mud?  What do
you think happens when Jesus washes away sins?  Does he give a bad bath
and leave some sin behind?  Do you think Jesus needs better soap or
something?  What exactly does "wash away your sins" mean to you?  What
does the idea of "cleansing us from all sin" mean to you?

"... the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin." (1
John 1:7 KJV)

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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