Bruce wrote:
> In view of these truths, does not I Cor.15:29 teach 
> what many other scriptures clearly teach, that believers 
> are baptized for the dead, i.e. reckoning themselves 
> to be dead indeed unto sin and alive unto God? Does not 
> this view have far more scriptural basis than either of 
> the two views previousl;y suggested? What do you think?

Hi Bruce.  First, I want to make it clear that I do not think that these
were necessarily pagans, as Kevin suggested.  I think they very well may
have been superstitious Corinthians.  Nevertheless, I think Kevin makes
a good point about the pronoun used because of its context with his use
of the word "we" in the very next verse.  You raised some verses where
"they" refers to true believers, but I think you have to look at the
immediate context here since pronouns are known only by the immediately
surrounding text.  Looking many verses before or many verses later do
not help us on this point.  We are interested in the antecedent of this
pronoun, not in the antecedent for other pronouns used in other phrases.

Your interpretation is certainly the more common Protestant viewpoint,
but I have trouble with it because of the Greek construction of this
verse as well as because it seems to complicate a rather simple

The Greek word translated "for" here is not "gar" but rather it is
"huper."  This word means "on behalf of" and "toward" and "chief" and
"above."  I have trouble fitting your viewpoint into the context and
language of this passage.  It seems to me that 1 Cor. 15:29 is talking
about baptism on behalf of the dead.  We know that there were groups
that did this kind of thing.  I see no reason to deny it in this

It seems to me that I might readily make such a statement as Paul did.
For example, I imagine if I were talking to Egyptians who had come to
believe upon Christ, and there were some among them who doubted the
resurrection, I might interject a quick, "why then do they mummify the
dead if the dead rise not" or "why do they build these great pyramids
and buy the dead with their belongings if the dead rise not"?

The point is that every man's conscience knows what is the truth in
these situations.  Some know the truth in greater purity than others,
but the truth testifies to every man's conscience.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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