DAVEH wrote:  
> I have repeatedly pointed to vs 29 to show that the practice 
> of some early Christians baptizing for the dead implies they 
> believed baptism was necessary for salvation.  Does that not 
> strike you as a valid evidence of my contention that is a 
> necessity for those who wish to return to heaven? 

What you seem to be overlooking here is that if we accepted your
premise, it would only mean that SOME CORINTHIANS (not all) believed
that baptism was necessary for salvation.  Very clearly, some thought
the salvation event, the resurrection, was already past.  Some
Protestants today think that too.  They are called Preterists.

David Miller wrote:
>> I still think you are skirting around the language 
>> and the use of the third person pronoun "they."

DaveH wrote:
> Hey DavidM.......I am NOT a linguist.  You definitely 
> have me on shaky ground when you start talking grammar, 
> linguisticks and all that 4-bit word stuff...... 

I'm not trying to make it complicated.  Just think about how you would
try to express what you would say in this treatise on the resurrection
being true.  How would "baptism for the dead" be supportive of that
idea?  If it was universally practiced, then Paul would have said, "what
shall WE do who baptize for the dead."  This is especially true when we
see the first person being used extensively in the immediate context.
His use of third person suggests a different group.  

> Then does it not seem likely the Bible would have condemned 
> it at some point, as it did many other practices not in 
> harmony with Christianity? 

No, because we know historically that the practice of baptism for the
dead was only done by some outlying sects within Christianity.  It has
never really had much of a hold of any kind.  Therefore, there is no
point in the Lord taking time to make it clear that it would be a
superstitious practice.  Most of his followers can see that clear enough
by the light they have.

> Are you nuts, DavidM!!!   What are some of the other TTers 
> going to say (let alone think) when they hear YOU agreeing 
> with a Mormon boy?!?!?!?!   <VBG> 

I dunno.  Maybe that my name is Beelzebub?  :-) 

"If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more
shall they call them of his household?" (Matthew 10:25 KJV)
Peace be with you. 
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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