Dean wrote:
> *  No Izzy I don't think TT should exist in this form-
> I believe there should be limits on the length of time 
> one of another doctrine should be allowed to stay here,
> 2 thess 3:14. Those that walk disorderly are to be warned 
> (admonish)...and have no company with him- This was simply 
> for not working and being a busybody-This is telling us 
> to separate from the brethern-How much more should we 
> separate from the false believers- those of a false 
> doctrine to dwell among the brethren.

Hi Dean.  Interesting perspective that you have here.  It seems like
maybe you view TruthTalk like a person's home where people live
together, or maybe like a church where believers come together in Holy
Communion.  I don't view TruthTalk that way at all.  I see TruthTalk as
a public forum, just like going out on a street corner and preaching.
The difference is that here people choose to sign up, so you don't
gather a crowd here using tactics like waving underwear.  Another
difference is that we don't allow the personal attacks or pressure here
because that would be counter productive to discussion of the issues. If
we were trying to save people here, but might be the thing to do, but
this forum is setup for discussion, not converting people.  

Everybody here hopefully is interested in talking about what they
believe and answering questions.  I can't tell you how much I value
being able to talk with someone like DaveH and Blaine and learn first
hand what Mormons believe and why.  There is a level of communication
here that is much better than reading a book.  If I misunderstand
something, I can ask questions and they will answer.  Surely you can see
how this is a much safer way of accurately learning their beliefs and
practices than joining the Mormon church.
One thing I would like you to think about, and that is how you seem to
view "false doctrine" as worse than sins like not working or being a
busybody.  I view it just the opposite.  I view the actual sin, the
actions, was being the crime.  The false doctrine I view as something
that leads to the crime.  Therefore, while sins are cause for
disassociating from BRETHREN for the sake of discipline and
accountability, the expression of false doctrine in and of itself is
not.  I am afraid of any tendency to view the expression of ideas as
sin.  That is what led the Roman Catholic Church and men like John
Calvin to burn people at the stake.  I believe men should be free to
express their viewpoint, even when they are wrong.  
Do you know any Bible verses that teach excommunication or
disassociation for false doctrine alone?  I would be interested in
studying them more closely and re-examining my perspective on this.  I
trust you will do the same.  

Again, in summary, my response to false doctrine is rebuke and a call to
correction.  My response to sin that is unrepented of is to shun the
brother or family member who engages in it.  I will tell you that I have
had to do that even with my own flesh and blood sister, and it is
sometimes very hard to do when you love the person so much.  It is much
worse than having to spank my children, which I also do not like doing
but find it necessary for proper training.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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