Blaine wrote:
> The Mormon mnissionaries are far from being like 
> you street preachers. They wear suits, 

Some street preachers do that, just not Ruben.  He is always in shorts.
Sometimes I wear a suit and tie, but not always. 

Blaine wrote:
> look clean and neat, 

Yeah, some street preachers do that too...

Blaine wrote:
> travel in pairs (the testimony of two witnesses 
> is biblical), 

Well, Ruben usually has an entourage of about 24 men with him these
days, but when he splits them up for the work, he makes sure they are at
least in pairs.  :-)

Blaine wrote:
> are called by those in authority,  

Yup... this would be true of virtually all street preachers.  

Blaine wrote:
> only teach those whose permission they have obtained, 

Ooops... no, street preachers sometime obey God rather than man.

Blaine wrote:
> do not yell, scream 

Got us there.  Street preachers sometimes yell, scream, blow whistles,
use truth horns, etc.  

Blaine wrote:
> or otherwise show disrespect for others or 
> their religions--

Right again.  Street preachers generally speaking will respect others,
but they rarely ever respect the religion of others.

Blaine wrote:
> there are probaly more differences, all 
> in favor of the missionaries.  .  .

One BIG difference is that the Mormon missionaries are always kids who
wear big name tags that say ELDER.  Why is that?  I never get that.  Try
telling one of these kids to take off the tag, and he won't do it. 

I remember one who came into my home.  I told him that I was almost old
enough to be his father.  Why did he demand that I call him ELDER?  I
said he should show me more respect than that.  I said, "you are just a
kid!"  He would NOT tell me his first name no matter how politely I
asked for it.  I told him my first name but I never could get him to
tell me why he would not tell me his first name.  I told him that I
would like to have a respectful conversation with him, but I was not
going to address him with the title ELDER because it was unbiblical.  I
told him he was ignorant of the Bible, but it wasn't his fault because
he was so young and was following a church which had deceived him.  Then
I asked him if he would like for me to teach him what an Elder was from
the Bible.  Normally, I'm not so tough on these young Mormon kids, but
for some reason, I pressed the matter just a little bit with him that

Blaine, can you tell me why the Mormon church violates the Scriptural
meaning of the word "elder" by sending out these unmarried kids, forcing
them to make the people they talk with to address them by the title of

You claim that the Mormon missionaries don't show disrespect toward
others, but I think that depends on perspective.  Ask Dean if he thinks
you are respectful of people here on TruthTalk.  I think you can imagine
his answer to that.  :-)  I think I remember Glenn talking about some
guys who would not get off his driveway or leave his home or something
like that.  My memory is a little foggy on that, but I think Glenn might
disagree with you too.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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