On Mon, 01 Mar 2004 23:39:30 -0800 Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

DAVEH:  If that is so, then why did Jesus use PS 82:6 in his defense when
the Jews confronted him in Jn 10:33 

vince: I'm not sure. Perhaps someday God will open my mind to that. I do
know one thing: I will not open myself to the lying lds spirit(s) which
contradicts Jesus. There can be no wisdom in the doctrines of demons.

DAVEH:  So......If we have the capability of becoming as God by knowing
the difference between good and evil, then what is it that separates us
from becoming a God? Seems to me the answer would be sin.  If we were
sinless, do you think we (or should I say, Adam & Eve) could become God? 
I know that doesn't make sense from your perspective, but so far it seems
included in the definition for being a God is......

1)  Knowing good from evil.

2)  Being sinless.

vince: Being God includes being eternally existant, being all powerful,
all knowing, perfectly just, perfectly merciful, etc. Humans are
automatically not that.

>.......Boiling it down to these simple premises, it is my belief that we
have the ultimate potential to become one with God.

vince: Scripture tells us that we have the potential to become adopted
heirs in the family of God. That's not the same thing as becoming God.

> There are certainly other attributes pertaining to God,

vince: Yes, and those other attributes are the ones which humans don't
have, thus eliminating the possibility they could be God. The best
example: eternal pre-existence.

> ... I believe God intended for Adam and Eve to partake of the FF.  That
is the reason he placed the tree of knowledge in the garden.  And, he
knew they would partake of it, which was necessary to implement the plan
of salvation.

vince: I believe that you're very close to the truth. I believe that God
intended to ALLOW Adam and Eve to make that free choice to obey or

> From your (Protestant?) perspective, Vincent, ....

vince: I'm an independent, freethinking, bible-believing, Christian
escapee from the rc denomination.

> ... why do you think God foreordained Jesus to be the Redeemer before
he even placed the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden? 

     He knows all that will happen in the future. He planned ahead. That
doesn't mean He intended that A&E sin; that means He knew they would sin,
and He made it work out for His own glory.

DAVEH:  Our Heavenly Father is the author of our existence.  Whether
there are other Gods higher than him.....who knows....it is speculative.

     It's not speculative to me; the bible says He is the Most High God. 

vincent j. fulton
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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