I would welcome that event.
But in the meantime I will revel in all the conversions right outside the SLC Temple gates. See you in April Blaine.

Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Blaine Borrowman wrote:
Blaine  You are probably right about one thing, the Southern Baptists would not believe anything they had not heard inculcated into their minds by tradition,  repetition, and  the fear of the boys with the hoods who burn crosses in your front yard if you disagree with them or have a little color to your skin. (:>)  But that has nothing to do with the truth, which I would represent as being far whiter than the sheets the good ol' boys use to cover their sinful depradations against those whose come-uppance they most dreadfully fear. 
  FEAR is the opposite of FAITH.  FEAR is the principle upon which the devil and his hosts operate throughout the world.  Mormon missionaries are not afraid to speak the truth in the South or anywhere else, and the result is that the church grows despite the devil and his hosts trying to intimidate against it.   There are now Mormon temples all over the South, doesn't  this concern the baptists?   Presently, there are temples in:
 Tennessee:  Nashville and Memphas;  North Carolina:  Raleigh;  South Carolina:  Columbia;  Alabama:  Birmingham; Kentucky:  Louiseville;  Florida:  Orlando;  Georgia:  Atlanta;  Missouri:  St. Louis;  Texas:  Dallas, Houston, Lubbock, San Antonio;  Virginia:  Washington DC
Hmmm.,  maybe the Baptists should fear!!!  But on the other hand, they no longer have to travel to Salt Lake City to try to convert the Mormons--they can now do it in their own backyards!!  With their neighbors!!  LOL
C'mon Blaine.  If a Mormon missionary ever got a handle on the truth, he would stop being a Morman and repent.  As for the Mormon temples spreading through the south like fire ant hills, it is no surprise.  We are told that in the last days, there will be a great falling away.  One day soon, the Father is going to turn to the Son, and say,"Go get 'em".  When that happens, it will be too late to change, so I suggest that as soon as you get those DNA results back, you put all this Mormon stuff behind you and be born again.  If you did, Kevin would have to embrace you as a brother.  You could become a wealthy man just selling tickets to that event.
Think about it.

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