Charles Perry Locke wrote:

Again, this is not an issue I hang my salvation on. I am actually "pan-trib"...however it pans out!
Hey Perry.  That's my view on the tribulation too.  I just never knew what to call it before.  Many thanks

I would like to hear (read) your post-tribulational resurrection beliefs if and when you have time. BTW, I am currently reading a book called "When will Jesus Come", by Dave Hunt. He takes a pre-tribulational resurrection view, and provides a lot of evidence for that position. Do you know of Dave Hunt? if so, what is your impression of him?

We have a couple of books by Dave Hunt, and get his "Berean call" regularly.  His book,"What Love is This" is a super study on Calvinism.
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] The Last Days
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2004 23:58:35 -0500

Perry wrote:
> However, if the order of events is preserved in the
> 2 Thes 2:3 (and we know it is since it's entire purpose
> is to state the order of events), then the above cannot
> be possible since at the time the "falling away" occurs,
> the man of sin has not yet been revealed.

I think you are making a huge mistake with this statement.  You assume
your assumption of the order is true and then interpret the text from
that.  Based upon my study of Scripture, the resurrection (what you call
the rapture) happens AFTER the man of sin is revealed.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

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