Lance wrote:
> David, I believe you missread the central thrust of the 
> quotation.  It has to do with human constructs. It  has 
> to do with the distinction between relativity & relativism. 

Hmmm.  Ok.  I think I see better what you are getting at.

Lance wrote:
> One ought not to equate one's statement of the truth 
> with the TRUTH. One could only wish that all scripture 
> was self-interpreting. Were this the reality then, 
> these "posts" wouldn't be quite so diverse.

Oh, ok, I hear you now loud and clear. 

Hey, tell me straight if you would.  Do I muddy the waters sometimes by
jumping in the way I do?  Would it be better, in your opinion, for me to
say less perhaps?  Or does digging in on a question sometimes help?  I
must admit that sometimes I feel I have wasted my time when I see the
kind of response my posts bring.  :-)

Lance wrote:
> Short answer to your direct q. No, we can't. 
> We can KNOW the truth (Christ in you the hope 
> of glory) but all of our articulations of that 
> (experienced) truth are approximations. 
> Do you agree?

Yes, I absolutely agree.  Nevertheless, I do think there are differences
of truth, and how truth might be articulated.  Some matters are better
articulated than others.  Some matters, by their nature, can never be
expressed with words, but only superficially talked about, moving around
it, until the person through some kind of revelation or insight sees
what it is that you are trying to point him toward.  It is this
difference between some truths that are more easily talked about and
other truths that are less able to be talked about that sometimes
creates the illusion that we can know and teach truth across the board.

Thanks for helping me see the point better.  I guess if we all
recognized this principle, none of us would be so dogmatic and assertive
in what we say in this forum.  We would not be trying to grab the tail
of the lizard, but be pointing to the lizard.  We would try harder to
hear one another and put less effort into trying to mold others into our
own personal worldview.  I'm going to chew on this for awhile.  Thanks
for sharing.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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