Blaine:  The recent  (2000) discovery of the place Nahom in the Arabian Peninsula is strong evidence that the BoM is not a work of fiction.  See previous post.
  Also,  the BoM is consistent with known modes of thought, writing techniques, etc.,  used in ancient times.    If it were a work of fiction, it would not have these consistencies at all, or very few of them, no more than  by chance alone. 
Here is one "consistency:"
Antithetical Parallelism in the Book of Mormon.
Antithetical parallelism is when one idea in a line or stanza is contrasted with an opposite or antithetical idea in a parallel line or stanza. 
Example:  Proverbs 13:9
"The light of the righteous rejoiceth,
but the lamp of the wicked shall be put out."
Examples from the Book of Mormon:
 Alma 5:40
"Whatsoever is good, cometh from God, and whatsoever is evil, cometh from the devil.
Alma 9:28
"If they have been righteous
they shall reap the salvation of their souls,
according to the power and deliverance of Jesus Christ.
and if they have been evil
they shall reap- the damnation of their souls,
according to the power and captivation of the devil."
Alma 36:21
"Yea, I say unto you my son,
that there could be nothing so exquisite
and so bitter as were my pains.
Yea, and again I say unto you, my son,
that on the other hand,
there can be nothing so exquisite
and sweet as was my joy."
The use of this device in the BoM is, interestingly, exclusive to one writer--Alma.  If Joseph Smith had used this device as part of an attempt to make the BoM seem credulous, he would have inserted it throughout the book. Alma's exclusive use of this poetic device is consistent with the assertion that the BoM had multiple authors.  
----- Original Message -----
From: "Charles Perry Locke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 10:32 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Blaines Lost sheep of america

> David,
>    You are right. Even one falsehood in the BoM should cast skepticism on
> the entire book, causing one who believes it is true to question every
> statement. However, LDS apologists are not about to let that happen. They
> are very clever at twisting scripture to use as prooftexts for the BoM, and
> weaving long tales that attempt to connect BoM statements to reality. I have
> read Reynolds and Nibley, two revered LDS apologists, and it is really quite
> amusing to see the great leaps they will make to try to justify or "prove" a
> BoM point. They are desparate men attempting to make a novel they believe to
> be true fit reality. Their endeavors, while inventive, are fruitless.
>    However, I realized last week that, other than items that were already
> known in the time of Joseph Smith, such as facts stated from the Bible or
> other historical facts that were known at the time of it's writing, every
> other statement in the BoM is fiction.
>    So, I offered to Blaine the challenge to produce even one fact from the
> BoM, other than things that were already known at the time of JS, that can
> be proven. I feel confident that the challenge cannot be met.
>    He offered the evidence of barley. Well, that is not proof. It is a
> possibility, but there are many other possibilities, too. A "possibility"
> does not constitute a "proof". He offered the evidence of iron. Again, that
> is a "possibility", but does not constitute a "proof".
>    You ask exactly what I am looking for. Here are some examples that would
> constitute a proof to me.
> 1) If gold plates inscribed in "reformed Egyptian" were found buried in a
> hill in New York that were shown scientifically to be of ancient origin, and
> were translated by independent Egyptologists, and were found to contain the
> text of the BoM, (including the parts that are EXACT duplicates of the
> Bible). Now, that would be proof of a monumental nature that some of the
> facts in the BoM are true.
> 2) If an extremely large and advanced ancient city in America was excavated,
> and the hall of records was located, and verifiably ancient dated records
> were found which contains the names of individuals that are in the BoM.
> Again, monumental proof that the BoM contains a fact or two.
> Okay, those last two would be a Mormon's dream come true, and not very
> likely, but:
> 3) How about historical evidence that Jared existed. He was promised by God
> that his seed would be multiplied greater than Abraham's. Hey, I know a lot
> of Abraham's seed, but have never met a Jaredite. Neither has anyone else!
> If they were a greater nation than Abraham produced THEY SHOULD BE
> EVERYWWHERE! How about a historical document that gives a lineage of Jared?
> How about historical evidence that ANYONE named in the BoM existed!
>    The point is, the BoM is total fiction (except for facts known at the
> time that the BoM was written by JS, such as the passages that are exact
> copies of passages from the Bible), and this is demonstrated by the fact
> that there is not ONE shred of proof that ANY of it is true. Zero.
>    If Blaine believes the BoM to be true, then let him produce proof. Not
> "evidence", not anecdotes, not "possibilities", but proof.
>    The ultimate question is how can anyone put any faith at all in a book in
> which not ONE shred of truth can be found? If ONE falsehood could be found,
> the LDS apologists would just get their looms out and begin weaving an
> intricate but "possible" tale to cover it. Not proof, mind you, but a tale
> to use to say, "See? It IS possible that that this is not false!"
>    So, my challenge to Blaine me one provable fact from the
> BoM, not something curious or cute or circumstantial or "possible", and not
> something supported  by convenient prooftexts out of context, but
> verifiable, incontrovertible proof.
> Perry
> >From: "David Miller" <
> >Reply-To:
> >Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Blaines Lost sheep of america
> >Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 23:23:07 -0500
> >
> >Perry wrote:
> > > "If you cannot find even one proven fact in the BoM
> > > that is not from the Bible, then my assertion about
> > > it's fictional nature stands."
> > >
> > > That is interesting about the barley, but it
> > > hardly consitutes a proof.  There is no linkage
> > > between the barley the BoM other than in name only.
> >
> >I'm not sure I understand what you are looking for, Perry.  If you would
> >accept the lack of barley in the New World as evidence of the Book of
> >Mormon being false, then it seems to me that you should accept its
> >documentation of having existed here in a previous time as evidence of
> >support for the Book of Mormon.  Exactly what are you looking for?
> >
> >You know that I think the Book of Mormon is bogus, but I'm trying to
> >understand the nature of the proof you seek.
> >
> >It seems to me that the best approach is not to look for proofs within
> >the book, but to show one falsehood.  Blaine, if we could prove one
> >passage as being false, would you accept the notion that the whole book
> >is untrustworthy?  That is not to say that it would not contain some
> >truth, but if we know one passage is false, then that means anything it
> >says needs to be tested and the book as a whole cannot be purported as
> >being trustworthy to others.  Blaine, would you agree with this
> >approach?
> >
> >Peace be with you.
> >David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.
> >
> >----------
> >"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
> >know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
> >
> >
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