John wrote:
> Because I have changed my mind about sin does not 
> eliminate sin from my life  
> (Rom 7:25, I John 1:8 , Ro 3:23)
> Quoting other scriptures does not change the truth 
> expressed in those I offered to you.

Romans 7:25 is a summation of what it is like for the unregenerated
person living under the law.  Read Romans 7:1-6, pay special attention
to the tense of Romans 7:5, "when we WERE in the flesh."  Compare it
with Romans 8:4 which speaks of us not walking after the flesh.  Romans
7 for the most part describes a life of condemnation, which is not the
normal Christian life.

1 John 1:8, likewise, must be taken in context.  He just got done saying
in verse 7 that the blood of Jesus Christ "cleanses us from all sin."
Clearly verse 8 in context is an answer to the objection that we don't
need Jesus to cleanse us of sin.  It is like speaking to someone dirty
who says, "I don't need a bath."  If I tell him that he does need a
bath, that does not mean that he always needs a bath even after he has
taken one.  Use some common sense here.  

Verse 10 keeps the context in check by using past tense, "if we say that
we have not sinned..." That is the point.  Read on and learn that he
that is born of God does not continue to sin.  

Romans 3:23?  Look at the tense again.  Past Tense.  All have SINNED,
and because of that PAST SIN, we come [present tense] short of God's
glory.  Now enters Jesus Christ who washes away our sins.  When Jesus
washes away our sins, does he do a bad job and leave some on us?  Are we
still fallen, dirty creatures after experiencing the grace of Christ?  

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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