I'm sharing the following news alert with you all so that we might
remember the Christians in China.  You can learn more about the church
in China at http://www.persecutedchurch.com.  I know the man who
operates this website personally.  He brings money to help families
there whose relatives have been imprisoned for their faith.  If you want
to help him financially, you can be sure that your money is going 100%
to the families.  He is not some large organization like others which
pays salaries and overhead costs.  He is not running some business.  He
is a guy like you or me who cares about those in China and regularly
travels there to help.  He and those who go with him pay their own way,
and so 100% of the money he receives goes directly to families to whom
the Lord directs him to give.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.


Chinese House Church Leaders First Time Testify at UN, Video Testimony 
from Tortured Women Believers Released

CHINA AID ASSOCIATION (Philadelphia) - April 2, 2004

For the first time in the history of the United Nations, the oppressed 
Chinese House Church leaders testify at Geneva during the 60th annual 
meeting of the UN Commission on Human Rights in Geneva. Mr. Joseph M. C.

Kung, President of the Cardinal Kung Foundation, submitted a written 
remark on the Persecution of the Roman Catholic Church in China
The renowned human rights campaigner Mr. Harry Wu, a Catholic, also 
speaks on the issue of religious persecution in China. The briefing 
sponsored by A Woman's Voice International, a UN recognized NGO for 
human rights, is held for two hours on April 2, 2004
"First of all, on behalf of over 80 million members of the Chinese house

churches, I want to extend our deep gratitude to A Woman's Voice 
International for inviting us here for the first time in UN history to 
speak for this previously voiceless group" said Bob Fu, president of 
China Aid Association and a former house church pastor in Beijing, "We 
have so many stories to brief you about and so many voices that need to 
be heard". Then he focuses on the case of the persecution of the 
evangelical South China Church. In the past 10 years, 8,903 believers 
were arrested or detained. At least three believers were tortured to 
death, many men and women believers were tortured and many, especially 
women, were sexually abused and molested during their interrogation to 
obtain the false evidence against Pastor Gong."

Transcript of the South China Church Members' Testimonies

Cao Hongmei
. Female, 35, Zhongxiang City Hubei Province, South China Church member.
. Arrested on Aug.8, 2001. First trial on Dec.25, 2001, charged with 
"intentionally harming others," received a three-year sentence.
. Second trial on Oct.9, 2002, the same charge by the Jingmen City 
Intermediate Court but the sentence was reduced to two years.
. Released on Aug. 8, 2003.

"They questioned me for about a month. When I didn't answer them, they 
would use different kinds of ways to torture me. For instance, they hung

my two hands up on the door frame, and my feet couldn't touch the floor.

My hands and shoulder became numb. They used a sharpened bamboo stick to

beat my hands and shoulder. I couldn't bear this tremendous pain any 
more so I began to scream, but they didn't allow me to do so. They 
threatened me, "If you keep on shouting, we will stuff your mouth and 
make you shut up." Every time they hung me, it would last at least half 
an hour, sometimes even one hour. All together, they have hung me about 
a whole day.

They also threatened me, saying, "We can beat you to death, and throw 
you into the Han River, or dig a hole somewhere to bury you. Who will 
question us about that? You count for nothing. They went on to say, 
"Don't you know? A South China Church believer has been beaten to death 
by the police in Zhong Xiang, just because she kept silent and didn't 
confess. After her death, nobody has come to us asking for an account. 
So we also can beat you to death, because you little believers count for

All they wanted from me was a false testimony. They said, "If you just 
confess according to what we tell you, I will release you and let you

I kept silent. They saw this didn't work, so they tried another way to 
torture me. They used handcuffs to pound my fingers. One of them would 
hold my elbow, and the other one used a pair of handcuffs to hammer my 
fingers. My fingers began to bleed and my fingernails began to break but

they were not fully satisfied. Then they used a cigarette lighter to 
burn my fingers. All my fingernails had been burned, and you still can 
see the scars here. My middle fingernail was totally broken, and this is

the newly grown one.
Not only did they burn my fingernails, they also use the lighter to burn

my ears, my face, and my lips. They used all these tortures forcing me 
to confess that I had sexual relationship with Pastor Gong Shengliang.

Liu Xianzhi
. Female, 33, Tianmen City Hubei Province, South China Church member.
. Arrested on May 27, 2001. First trial on Dec.25, 2001, charged with 
"organizing and using evil cult organization to obstruct the 
implementation of the law," received a two-year sentence.
. Second trial on Oct. 10, the charge was dismissed and Liu Xianzhi was 
proclaimed innocent by the Jingmen City Intermediate Court but was 
immediately taken away by the Jingmen police to Shayang labor camp to be

re-educated through labor.
. Released on Feb.1, 2004

"I was taken to Zhongxiang Police Training Center. 6 or 7 male policemen

started to question me in their dormitory. One asked me, "Do you know 
why we arrest you?" I said, "Because I believe in Jesus." He slapped my 
face when he heard this. He said, "Do you know what age we are in today?

And you still believe in Jesus?" I didn't answer him back.

I was put in shackles and the policemen ordered me to walk before them 
in the room. The shackles were heavy; after a little while I had to slow

down, but they wouldn't let me. They pushed me from this side to the 
other side while laughing at me. I was so exhausted and ended up laying 
on the ground. The shackles also cut deeply into my flesh, and my ankle 
began to bleed. You can see the scar here.

They also picked me up by my hair, so the weight of my whole body was 
held up by my hair. I could hardly breathe, then they put me down, but 
kept on pressuring me to confess I had sexual relationship with Pastor 
Gong. When I told them I didn't have any improper relationship with him,

they pulled my hair again, later I lost my consciousness.

When I refused to read the confession that they had prepared for me 
beforehand, they threatened me by saying, "Now, I can beat you to death,

and pull you out and bury you somewhere, that even your family wouldn't 
know where you are. Now your South China Church is in our hands, 
including your pastor. He was also arrested!"

When I told them I had no sexual relationship with Pastor Gong at all, 
they used an electrical rod to beat me, on my head, my breast, and my 
buttock. I was knocked to the floor, then they pulled me up and tore my 
clothes open. They even pulled my bra, and I cried.

Meng Xicun
. Female, 29, Taiqian County Henan Province, South China Church member.
. Arrested on May 28, 2001. First trial on Dec.25, 2001, charged with 
"organizing and using evil cult organization to obstruct the 
implementation of the law," received an eight-year sentence.
. Second trial on Oct. 10, the charge was dismissed and Meng Xicun 
wasproclaimed innocent by the Jingmen City Intermediate Court but was 
immediately taken away by the Jingmen police to Shayang labor camp to be

re-educated through labor.
. Released on Feb.1, 2004

"They interrogated me for five days and nights. During this time, they 
didn't allow me to eat or sleep. I was ordered to stand all the time, 
but I was so tired and fell asleep, they would beat me and woke me up.

During the interrogation, they also used nasty ways to insult me. They 
flicked their cigarette ash into my collar. Later they untied my shirt, 
and flicked the cigarette ash to my breast. I felt so humiliated. I 
didn't understand why they treated me like this.

Several of them took turns to beat me and kick me. All my body became 

The second time they interrogated me was ten days later. They didn't 
even ask one single question but started with beating me with a high- 
voltage electrical rod. I felt like I couldn't stand it any more, so I 
told them, "I have told you everything that I knew of, but if there was 
no such a thing, I couldn't make up a story for you." Then they told me,

"You just repeat what we tell you and admit you had sexual relationship 
with Gong Shengliang, then we will release you and let you go home right


When I said "No" to them, the chief police officer went out. Right after

that, several policemen came in and pushed me to the ground, beating me 
and kicking me. They dragged me around in the room by pulling my hair. 
One police kicked me on my stomach and my waist. Even today I still feel

the pain. I lost my consciousness seven times. One time when I re-gained

consciousness, I heard one police talking to another saying, "Don't 
waste our time. After all, the South China Church is in our hands, we 
will make sure Gong Shengliang gets a death sentence. Why don't we just 
get her fingerprint now?" But the other police said, "This won't work. 
Let's use cold water to wake her up."

Once again, the police asked me to give a false confession. They even 
prepared a written testimony by themselves, asking me to repeat words by

words. When I refused, they said, "You have tasted the good treatment 
minutes ago, now we will have better ones for you." Then they started 
another round of torturing me. This time, they tore my clothes and bra, 
using electrical rod to touch my breast and jab my other private place. 
I couldn't bear this kind of humiliation. How could I? I could bear 
other kind of tortures, but not this one, I felt like I had broken down.

Then they said, "If you choose to die like this, you will die in vain, 
because nobody knows where you are, and we can just bury you somewhere, 
even your family won't know. You know, we can just make you disappear, 
and we don't have to take any responsibility for that."

At that time, I was thinking to myself, "If I kept a breath, there would

be hope for justice someday." So I told them I would follow their 
instruction. But I still didn't know what to write, because I am an 
honest person, and I don't know how to make up stories. Then they said, 
"Don't worry, you don't have to think at all, just write down whatever 
we tell you." My hands were trembling at their dictation, and my heart 
was struggling, because I knew this would be the so -called evidence 
which the police would use to accuse Pastor Gong Shengliang. It's not 
fair to him at all.

But I had no other choice in that situation, I kept on writing down what

the police instructed me. When I finished, I couldn't stand still, I 
lost consciousness. It was too painful for me to accuse an innocent man,

because Pastor Gong is a good man, he has never done such a thing... But

the police were determined to put him to death as a rapist based on the 
coerced testimony. After I finished, I had no desire for life any more. 
I felt like I had already died by doing this. But it is too late, the 
police had already got what they wanted to accuse Pastor Gong."

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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