John Smithson wrote:
> This kind of debate is a problem.   There is a 
> difference between debate and capitulation upon 
> demand.  Miller seems overly concerned with winning 
> the debate rather than entering a discussion.

Ugh.  I don't care about winning any debate.  I truly hope to be shown
wrong.  When that happens, my knowledge grows.  If I just go on
believing the same thing I have always believed, there is no growth in

John Smithson wrote:
> David should not care if BillT "mangles" the greek.   
> Why not simply present your greek argument and allow 
> the other to present his?

I am trying to accept his perspective, but I can't do that if he does
not deal with the Greek properly.  This same subject came up several
years ago on TruthTalk, and when I said something similar to what I said
here, it was just ignored and the subject did not go anywhere.  I didn't
want Bill to avoid dealing with the problems I encounter with his
perspective on the passage. 

By the way, your aversion to the "repent or else" attitude is very
misplaced.  The Scriptures teach that in the last days men will not be
able to endure sound doctrine, and this aversion to the attitude of
repent or correct the other person is part of this apostasy from sound
doctrine.  Jesus very clearly taught that we either repent ourselves or
we teach and correct others.  Be careful not to judge righteousness from
a position of unrighteousness.  Whoever is not perfect in righteousness
cannot always fully appreciate righteousness in others.  I'm sure there
were many who considered Jesus to lack perfection when they saw what he
did in the Temple during the Passover season.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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