Perry wrote:
> If you think I have violated TT rules, please 
> point it out. It is not I that call you a liar, 
> it is I that point out the inconsistency between 
> your stated reason for being on TT and your actions. 
> That is what makes you out to be a liar, not me. 
> If you were consistent in your stated reasons and
> your actions I could not say that. but, you are not.

A liar is someone who says something that is not true in a conscious
effort to deceive someone else.  The term "liar" is your interpretation
because you have to assume that DaveH is purposely trying to deceive the
rest of us.  I'm not sure how you can actually know that, unless perhaps
the Spirit of God has revealed it to you, or DaveH has admitted it to
you in the past.  

As I pointed out in a previous post, I do NOT consider DaveH to be lying
in this situation.  While he might from time to time explain his Mormon
perspective while being here, he does not appear to me to be here with
the purpose of doing that.  He is here to learn through dialectic like
the rest of us.

As for your calling him a liar, I do think that crosses the line
concerning our ad hominem rule.  Even if it is true and you feel that
you must discuss it with him, you really should take it up privately
with him.  The real evidence that it has crossed the line is the effect
it has had upon DaveH.  Your conversation with him has degraded in the
same way the conversations between Chris and Judy and Chris and Izzy
have.  The shift in focus has become on the people speaking and how they
speak rather than the subject at hand.  I had to change the subject line
because your last post had nothing at all to do with your subject line,
which was "Christian Perfection."  

Message to everyone:  clean it up, folks.  Let's talk about the issues
and not the posters.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

p.s.  I know, I know... I have broken the ad hominem rule too in this
post by talking about how others post.  :-)  There is no way to moderate
a list without speaking to the person, and so a moderator must be
allowed to do that from time to time.  I am no longer the moderator
here, but I thought it prudent for me to step in at this time.  I have
great respect for Perry and am confident that he will hear what I'm
saying and move on.  If not, we will be talking in *Private* I hope! :-)

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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