David Miller wrote:
>> My viewpoint is that the flesh is flesh and 
>> the spirit is spirit.  The genes code only 
>> for the physical and we inherit nothing 
>> spiritual from our parents.

Judy wrote:
> Your viewpoint is unscriptural DavidM because 
> the results of the curse can be detected 
> genetically and they are passed down generationally. 
> Certain illnesses run in families and this can be 
> and is documented by the medical community; 
> they may not see the same cause but they have 
> documented it's effect.

Ugh...  Judy... you just said my viewpoint was "UNSCRIPUTRAL" but then
you did not mention one Scripture to establish what you just said.
Instead you said that the curse can be detected GENETICALLY.  Well,
genetically means physical and not spiritual.  Genes are physical
chemicals of the body.  So you start out by claiming that my viewpoint
is unscriptural and then establish my viewpoint by scientific
terminology! Perhaps instead of saying it is "unscriptural" you could
ask how I think my viewpoint coincides with certain passages, or at
least quote a passage that you think makes my viewpoint difficult for
you to accept.  

Let me address what I think is at the root of much of our difficulty in
communicating, not only in this post, but in many of our past exchanges.
Paul's treatise in Romans 6, 7, and 8 establishes a principle which is
succinctly described by that infamous verse quoted by John Smithson,
Romans 7:25, "with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the
flesh the law of sin."  So where does Paul place the root problem of
sin?  Not in the SPIRIT but in the FLESH.  Many religious people read
over this and simply look at the word "flesh" as a euphemism for that
evil spiritual side of man.  I see much more here.  Paul is saying that
the root problem of sin is PHYSICAL.  This is an important dualism to
grasp for understanding the problem of sin, as well as the incarnation
and various other theological questions.

Now the Bible does speak about the problem of sin being visited upon
future generations.  But is this sin problem that is passed on SPIRITUAL
or PHYSICAL?  I maintain that it is PHYSICAL.  It is purely genetic,
meaning that there are chemicals, physical molecules in our bodies, that
are responsible for the kind of motivations, attitudes, emotions, and
thought processes that result in sin.  Sin emanates from the FLESH (the
physical side of man) while righteousness emanates from the SPIRIT (the
non-physical side of man). 

Now please understand that none of this means that the spirit is always
pure and undefiled.  On the contrary, there are many passages that speak
of the spirit being corrupted, as well as the soul.  My perspective is
that the spirit and soul is corrupted by the flesh, which is why it is
the CARNAL MIND (the physical mind, the mind that is entrenched in the
physical) that is enmity against God.  We certainly need to cleanse both
our spirit and flesh, but it is the flesh that is the root problem of
sin and it is the flesh that continues to be that which would continue
to defile the spirit if we walked in the flesh instead of walking in
that new man which we have received through trusting in Jesus Christ.

So, anyways, generational curses are inherited physically, not
spiritually.  There might be also spiritual problems connected to the
physical, but they are not inherited.  Example:  schizophrenia.  There
is a genetic component to schizophrenia, but that genetic component does
not seem to explain all of it.  We know this from identical twin studies
involving schizophrenia.  So there is a spiritual component that may
help explain the phenomena, but it seems to me that the physical is the
inherited side while the spiritual is not.  Yet again, we should notice
that the physical inheritance might make people more susceptible to
certain spirits.  For example, a spirit of drunkenness might plague
certain generations because of a genetic component that makes a certain
lineage have a heightened sense of insecurity and emotions that crave
dependence upon someone or something.  Or, it could be something as
simple as taste buds that like the taste of alcoholic beverages, or a
physical condition that becomes more rapidly addicted to its effects or
finds physical pleasure in it.  Demons can use such physical frailties
to their advantage, but such does not mean that the demons were
inherited in generational fashion from our ancestors.

Let me know what you think.  I don't expect you to see what I am saying
the first time around on this, but with a little discussion, maybe we
can reach a meeting of our minds and come to some mutual form of
agreement.  :-)

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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