Meladrama is what we have here.  DavidM speaks as if we are supposed to know something about HH.   Who beat his wife.  When.  Elsman admits that her mental problems were not the result of trauma.  DavidM seems to be saying exactly the opposite."Have you no decency?"   Lighten up.  I am working on something about HH that is verifiable and fair (to HH).   It is going to take some time.   I do not intend on disregarding Elsman's info about HH simply because it comes from Els  -- but he lies about me, why not about HH  --- that is a problem that I have to consider as I research this street preacher and the mythology that surrounds him.   Actually,  mythology is a compliment to a man.  It may may may may not be true  --  but it is certainly the product of admirers.  One point for HH.  John

In a message dated 5/9/2004 9:11:50 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DavidM: Have you no decency? They beat his wife and damaged her brain permanently, causing Hubert to have to commit her to a mental hospital. And you blame Hubert for that?  It could have happened to anyone.  If I remember right, they did it to her in the bus station.  You are so cruel to speak about him this way

judyt: Is it cruel to question David?  Hubert's wife is a silent shadow in anything I've read so far (other than what Elsman has written). If she also suffered for the cause of Christ then why isn't this mentioned anywhere?
DavidM: Hubert loved his wife and was greatly wounded over this, much more than the injuries he suffered himself, such as losing teeth or being shot and stabbed, broken jaws and broken ribs, etc.

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