Children separated at birth are still family members. What then is it that has to happen for them to be brought back into the family as participating sons/daughters, sisters/brothers? Lance 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: May 04, 2004 06:30
Subject: [TruthTalk] Pagan's are brethren? How amusing!!

From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
TPW:A person in learning a language accepts from the community to which the language "belongs" the meanings indicated by that language, and makes them his own.  The community (read tradition) to which David belongs excludes you.
jt: No Lance, it's not the community that excludes TPW, and it's not David Miller.  He has excluded himself by his own choice.  He knows it and lives with it.  Why make excuses and try to rationalize it away?  The incarnation does not negate his own choice in life.
Well TPW though I don't know what you know of the Man Jesus or think of Him, I do know what He knows and thinks of you. You're included in His vicarious (important word) life and death. More another time, BROTHER. Lance
jt: You need an update Lance, he is no longer a man.  He has been made King of Kings, and Lord of Lords; all judgment and all authority in heaven and on earth have been given Him; and this He will expedite quickly in the not so distant future.
TPW follows the Street Preachers, I'm sure he has heard enough to make a rational choice.  judyt

From: "Arsene Lupin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> David Miller: Pagan Wolf, what do you think about Christians who consider
> you their
> brother?  Is this offensive to you, or do you like it, or just consider
> it uninformed??
> TPW: None of the above. How can I be offended? Aren't we all human? How
> I like it? It's not really much of an issue.
> >From a theological standpoint however it is indeed uninformed. A
> polytheistic faith like mine and a monotheistic faith like yours works too
> differently to be called "Brothers".
> But it's not to say we can't get along ^_^
> No in conclusion, I dare say that it is an irrelevance. Since I know what
> am and how I fit in, I know where others stand and what they truly are.
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