Lance wrote to Elsman:
> "Name two"? 
> 1. Teresa of Avila 2. Julian of Norwich

Lance, think about the physical differences between men and women, and
then think about sports.  Can you name some famous female athletes?  Of
course you can.  But as your survey this in your mind, you realize that
sports tend to segregate naturally by gender.  There is woman's baseball
and men's baseball, women's tennis and men's tennis.  You get the

Now we know that if you mix men and women together in most sports, the
men come out on top because of their physical strength.  Now the common
reaction to this is, "so what! That is only physical strength, what does
that mean?"  

The truth is that men and women are different physically in areas other
than muscular strength.  Women and men differ emotionally AND
intellectually.  Their brains are actually different physically too.
Men and women think differently and approach problems and solutions to
problems differently.  Every married man can tell you that this is true.

Now it might be a little sensitive in our culture to talk about this,
but intellectual endeavors does not seem to be a particularly ripe field
for women.  As you try to list the great thinkers and intellectual
contributors who were women, you realize that there is a paucity of
them.  Where is the female counterpart to Einstein?  Where is the female
counterpart to Newton?

This is not something that men like to talk about.  It puts us into the
position of sounding like we are putting ourselves up above women.
However, our culture has brainwashed everyone to believe in equality of
the sexes, and so this is a hot button if anyone attempts to discuss
what has traditionally been known for a long time.  Try to look at it
objectively, and fight the effects of the brainwashing of our feminized
society that would tell you that you are a brute for even considering
what I have just said.  If you look at the facts and resist the effect
of culture on your sensitivities, a light bulb will go off in your mind
and you will see the truth with certainty.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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