His peace be with all of you through this trial Izzy.
I wanted to let you know how well put and timely this message is - actually it is what I have learned and believe and over the past weekend I've had an opportunity to experience it rather intensely.  
My husband and I returned from Austin TX over the weekend by way of Chicago leaving at 8 a.m. and connecting with a flight out of Chicago at noon.  The weather in Chicago had been so touchy that all flights the night before had been cancelled and after boarding about 10 minutes late we sat in the airplane for more than an hour before taking off because the pilots needed to reroute around storms.  Finally we were aloft at cruising altitude and speed and the stewardess appeared with her beverage cart.  The young Navy men on their way to Norfolk surrounding us had just gotten settled and the Chicago family a few seats behind with the two very young adopted children who had been restless, screaming for the past hour and sick all over them had just gotten settled when we heard some kind of gong from the cockpit and the stewardess went up there to see what was going on.
When she returned she told us she had to pack up as we were being diverted to Cleveland Ohio.  None of us knew exactly what was going on, I was by the window and noted how low we were flying over one of the Great lakes. When we did land at Cleveland there were emergency vehicles all over the runway waiting on us and we learned that the window in the cockpit had been shattered (it looked like a brick had been thrown at it but was still barely holding together) noone seemed to know how it happened or if they did they wouldn't say.
American Airlines said they would put us in a hotel overnight but later decided to try and get everyone connecting flights on other airlines. We were at the end of the line so missed our connecting flight.  We didn't arrive in Norfolk until after 1 a.m. and it was a long day. The young Navy men (just out of boot camp) in front of us were so shaken that they said they were not getting on another airplane, they would rent a car and drive but through it all I have to say that God's peace was there for me.  Coming down in that lake would not have been my choice but no matter what His peace and the awareness of His presence was there for me.  I'm so thankful that we can live to see our grandchildren grow and Praise Him for His help and strength in time of need.  He never fails.  Enjoy Valdosta, your children and grandchildren Izzy,
He's ever faithful.
Grace and Peace,
From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Thanks to you all for your prayers.  I have not yet heard anything back from them, but assume no news is good news.  I try not to call there (Georgia) in case Shirley has had an opportunity to get a few moments of sleep.  I received peace about it early this morning, that all will be well. Keep those prayers coming if you think of her!


This brings to mind what I think is the greatest lesson the Lord has taught me in the past few years.  He has shown me that I should realize that every trial and tribulation that He allows (not sends, necessarily, but allows) is for a purpose: (1) to test my faith, (2) to refine and strengthen me, and ultimately to (3) bring glory to Jesus Christ.  The only way I can turn satan’s attacks into glory to Jesus is by (1) accepting that the Lord has allowed this for a greater good, (2) walking in faith, believing this, and (3) thanking Him for loving me enough to discipline/refine/strengthen me, and purify me from any sin in my own life. 


I was always taught by the church the Job was just an Old Testament rarity.  But the Lord has shown me that Job is a pattern for everyone who, like Job, walks in righteousness.   Satan will ask to sift us, and the Lord will give him permission, at one point or another (probably many times) in our lives.  Everyone in this world will suffer.  We who are in Christ have the privilege of meaningful suffering—for our ultimate purification, and His ultimate Glory.  Now when He allows or sends suffering into my life I subject myself to His loving hand, fall on my face before Him, and thank Him that He loves me enough to discipline me as a loving Father disciplines His child, or as a Father who is teaching me to walk in faith to turn the arrows of satan into trophies for the glory of Christ.  Every temptation, attack, or trail that satan sends into my life is a wonderful opportunity to turn that evil thing into a trophy for Jesus! Life is a test; it is only a test.  We can use it to glorify Him or the devil—our choice.  I choose to glorify Jesus, by His strength and His power and His Spirit, amen.  When I am weak, HE is strong. Praise the Name of Jesus!




Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 5:45 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Prayer request


I certainly will pray.  Keep us posted.  Laura

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