Izzy in red below:


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Terry Clifton
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 7:36 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Judgment?


Dave Hansen wrote:

Terry Clifton wrote:


Just a couple of quick thoughts off the top of my head before it quits producing thoughts for the day.
1. Buying a dream for two bucks is a bargain,

DAVEH:  And cheaper than buying a politician!

not a waste.

DAVEH:  If one could limit the number of their dreams, you would be correct, Terry.  The problem is that the folks who least can afford it become addicted and end up becoming enslaved to their dreams to the point they neglect reality......and their jobs, family and God.

It ain't just the po' fokes Dave.  Bill Bennett was a big wheel republican/Christian that got into gambling on a scale that cost him his credibility and his money.
 I  contend that it is a problem with self far more than with financial standing in the community.  Jesus command is to deny self and follow Him, but we are
self absorbed
self seeking,
self willed,
self made,
self centered,
self reliant, and on and on.  Just about everything except what Paul advises, self control.


Terry, why do I always agree with you so much? (You should worry?) But on that topic: Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit, not a fruit of the Will. We must all be plugged into the Holy Spirit to receive it, just as a tree can’t produce fruit w/o having deep roots.  In the natural we all have self-control in some areas, and not in others. In the Spirit we can walk in self-control in every circumstance—even those that tempt our flesh.  The Spirit is the opposite of the Flesh.  Abiding in the Spirit is the opposite of walking in our Feelings/Emotions/Lusts/Desires/etc…. Just some thoughts…Izzy

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