I'll reply in purple....K.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, 22 September, 2004 20.21
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Who to Vote for, and WHY?

In a message dated 9/22/2004 3:39:12 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

My questions were if they REALLY support gun ownership and the right to bear arms. 
I support the right  -- but I do not own a gun.   
Okay, I can understand that. I support the right and I own a gun, or two, or so, however, I can't shoot very well. Poor Slade tried to teach me many times and finally bought me a laser! :) Slade encourages you to exercise all of your rights so you won't lose them.

5th, 8th, and 14th amendment rights to begin with. I've personally heard judges tell litigators that there is no constitution in their court room. Do they REALLY support and defend parents' rights to the care, custody and discipline of their children, family rights, including the choice to homeschool our children, have homebirths,prayer in public schools and the opting out of immunizations??

A biggie for me.  I was married for 23 years and all five of our children came from that union.  When I got to the court battle,   I realized on more than one occasion that I parented by the permission of the State.  I gave the court my opinion on that and things were good  (I served as my own attorney, believing that "he who has has himself for counsel has a fool for an attorney" are words written by other attorneys.)    
I would agree with you there. The state believes they can parent better, but are producing a generation of imbeciles, to say the least. They are destroying families, morals, parents, and kids. I currently have three clients who are representing themselves Pro Se, as you did. I felt I did much better in my own case when I represented myself. The state holds biological parents on a higher accountability level than they do their own state "parents"...fostercaregivers. The state repeatedly punishes and penalizes biological parents while accepting a lower standard from their own caregivers and then covering up for their caregivers when they (fostercaregivers) make the same mistakes, or worse mistakes.
 How do you feel, then, about covenant marriages and the idea that you aren't married by the state? And also how about not getting your child a birth certificate due to the state not being the parent?

Are they really against same-sex marriages, abortion, and the legalized kidnapping of

children by the state? I asked them to send me the proof.

How do I KNOW this man will really do as he says?

In politics, "he" does not matter so much as "you."  Choosing a "proper" polictical venue, in my opinion, has more to do with "where can I best represent my ideas and emotions."  
 It's only been very recently that I've even been interested in the voting scheme. I did not vote last election because I thought Gore would win anyhow and I felt it wasn't worth. I believe I wrote in my own candidate...Mickey Mouse. I did vote Bush Sr. against Clinton before that. I was not aware of a Constitutional Party until a few weeks ago. I want to see change in how things are run because I think we're on a rather wide path as a nation. I'm in the court rooms regularly and working with people all across the US on their cases. It makes me sick the things I've seen and heard in court houses as well as read in court transcripts. I'm not on here very often because I'm usually pretty packed with things to do...especially with our family. Today, I was on the alternative political sites and decided to pose the questions I had to other Believers. I've also asked several of my colleagues today how they vote. One is a pastor/speaker and he's at the same place I am...undecided, but heavily leaning towards CP. The other is an attorney (a Believer) I work with and he is voting CP.This surprised me. Generally, I don't discuss politics with others because I know how "heated" conversations can get when people are passionate about a subject. I'm in the trenches bringing family rights issues to the forefront. I'm now realizing how we have to be political minded because we must change legislation in order to preserve our rights that we already have. If I am fighting these issues, but voting irrationally, I'm putting my family and my clients families at risk and we will never see change. We have to stop sitting idly by doing nothing and we have to come together to make CHANGE happen. We need to cooperate them into submission...to God.
K ay 

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