In a message dated 9/24/2004 10:59:19 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You were doing pretty good up to this point my brother.  The young man has a sad history, but he turned his back on God and returned to the filth and mire he had crawled out of.  He not only was not willing to die for Christ; he was not willing to live for Him.  If he ever was saved, he voluntarily rejected that salvation in favor of doing his own thing, spelled S-e-l-f.  I strongly suspect that he was just as lost as the pervert who tried to molest him in the name of Jesus.  Just another seed that sprouted on poor soil with shallow roots.  I know that is not very touchy/feely, but the path is narrow.  Some (most) stray off it.
Terry the heretic.

Now, don't go personal on me.   Allow me to defend the above picture.  For starters, he is a or was a real person.  Secondly, his acceptance of Christ was associated with his picture of the youth counselor.  The two realities were tied together.   When molested, he considered it to be a testimony of the truth of gospel and that testimony was a negative one.    This is a kid who has no educational background, is not trained to think but to only react,  was a babe in Christ with a capital B.   He did not reject the true gospel  --  only the one presented to him.   If he, indeed, rejected the truth,  then things are not good for him.   But only God knows the answer to this question.   I did not mean to imply or argue that he was saved.    My point is that we really do not know.   God could take this young man's varied and negative circumstance into account and gve him a place with him through the sacrifice of Christ or allow his separation to continue. 

Brother John, no one in this world hopes that Jesus is far more forgiving than His Word would indicate than yours truly.  My son was killed in 1985, and I do not know where his spirit resides at this time.  All I know is that wherever my son is spending eternity, God did what was right.  The same can be said of this young man.
 While amazing grace abounds throughout the Word, the fact remains that God gave us a knowledge of good and evil the moment Eve ate the fruit, and we are all accountable to God even if we don't know His name.  For those who have heard, eternal punishment awaits those who call Him Lord but do not do as He says. 
Sorry to have misunderstood you.

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