In a message dated 9/25/2004 6:24:06 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

                                                                                                                                     15   "Beware of th[
ose who].. (12) inwardly are (13) ravenous wolves.

16   "You will (14) know them by their [
22   "(19) Many will say to Me on (20) that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not .. in Your name  [
perform] many miracles?'

23   "I will declare to them, 'I never knew you;..'

An absolutely wonder proof-text answer.   I believe in the truth of this scripture.   But this does not address my concerns listed below.   Not even close and I can think of several scriptures that do.  


(From a pervious post) 
And then we have those who do not and will never "know better."   They are those stunted by unenlightened teaching, superstitions, genuine deftness (for whatever reason) to the gospel message (i.e. the pagan Gentile in Romans, chapter two   and the Buddhist in some unnamed  island off the coast of India) , diet deficiencies,  genetics related stupidity, cultural confusion (i.e. the American Indian and the Crenshaw Ave gang member), emotional instabilities and the very poor living examples of those who do claim the name of our Lord  (the adulterous Teacher, the perverted youth counselor,  the thief in sheep's clothing, the Christen couch potato who knows better). 


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