Personally, I believe is it unconscionable for any follower of Christ in America to NOT vote for President Bush’s re-election. The only alternative, not a third party candidate, but Kerry.

This actually kind of bothers me a little.   I will not vote for Kerry for a number of reasons.  But my vote  --  ok, it is for Bush ---  is a secular consideration.   I certainly do not believe that the Republican Party is God's party.   I actually do not consider Kerry to be "evil."   But what are his core values?    No one really knows.   And with 40 days remaining to election,  he has no intentions of letting us know what those values are.  So, he does not get my vote.   Abortion?   No biggie  --   yes, I said "no biggie."   If the churched would  get off its collective butt,  abortions would be a tenth of what they are today.   We, the churched, want an end to abortion on demand but we do not want to care for the 1.3 million newborns as a result.   Its the old "be thou warmed and filled" mentality. 

John (this is why I am not a pastor any more) Smithson


Let me reiterate! I don’t believe any earthly political party is “God’s party”.  But I do believe that we, who call ourselves by His name, have a serious responsibility to vote, and vote for whichever party will most advance His kingdom.  You say No one knows what Kerry’s core values are.  Where have you BEEN??? Did you read my post on that? Please don’t pretend it isn’t obvious; not only his values, but his personal character, are abhorrent to me as a Believer.


Furthermore, there is a difference between the “be thou warmed and filled mentality” and turning people into slaves of a welfare system.  The Republican Party believes in teaching a man to fish; not just giving him a fish.  You should know that by now.  For the life of me, I don’t know why you think that the laws of our land allowing for the murder of the unborn is not a stench in the nostrils of God. Izzy

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