Jeff Powers wrote:
And you haven't killed any Jews in months!!!
I have a cofession to make.  I have never killed a single Jew.

If that isn't bad enough, I actually had two Jewish friends in Hialeah years ago.  Neither of them were saved.  One was totally uninterested in the things of God, and one was, but not interested in becoming a Christian.  I thought a great deal of both of these guys and made a feeble attempt to lead them to Christ.  Lenny was not the least bit interested.  He was busy trying to sleep with every woman in south Florida,  Mario (Mario Ferrar was a Jew from Cuba.  He described himself as a Juban.) was interested, and tempted to become a believer, but did not for fear that his whole family would disown him.  Mario had had a valve from a pig's heart placed in his heart because his valve failed, and took medication daily so that his body would not reject the pig valve.  I figured that if his relatives did not reject him for being part pig, they could live with him becoming a Christian, but Mario said no.
I gave up on both of them after a time because I moved away from south Florida to the Panhandle.  I lost track of Lenny, but learned that after I left, Mario became a Christian Scientist.  He threw away his glasses and stopped taking his medication.  Everything went well for a couple of months, and he was convinced that he was on the right track, then he collapsed and died.

I point this out to show that I am batting zero for two when it comes to helping God's chosen people understand the Gospel.  You and Slade are going to have to try harder if The score is ever to change.  It's hard to find a Jew here in redneck country.

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