-----Original Message-----
Judy wrote:

> ... it greatly saddens me to see so little interest in

> God's Word. People are so excited over the prospect

> of hearing the words of Athanasius, Polyani, or whoever

> their latest theological fad is, just like the people Paul

> encountered at Mars Hill in Athens.  But I see none of

> this happening when it comes to God's Word which is

> labelled "scripture bombing" and received as "Ho Hum"

> or else mixed with the words of theologians and distorted

> until it is unrecognizable.


You are quite right about this.  It bothers me too how some dismiss the

quoting of Scripture with one line phrases like "proof-texting" or "don't

ignore context" or "Scripture bombs" or that the passage is figurative, etc.

They never seem to explain the proper context or teach the meaning of the

passage.  It is always simply a discrediting to favor the traditions and

teachings of men over the Scritpures themselves.  It is exactly the same

problem Jesus faced with the scribes (scholars) and Pharisees and Saduccees

of his day.


Peace be with you.

David Miller.


Oh, you are preaching to the choir again, Brother! Preach!!! Izzy

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