Jonathan wrote:
> Addendum that should have been included in my
> original post:  Judy, if I have mischaracterized any
> of your beliefs please clarify them.  There was no
> intent on my part to disparage you but instead to
> fairly state what I see you believing.

I appreciate you adding this addendum because I was struggling with whether 
or not to issue a reprimand.  You are treading on thin ice here.  In my 
opinion, you have grossly mischaracterized Judy.  She is definately not 
Arian.  She might be closer to Sabellianism, but I do not consider her that 
either.  I understand her to be a Trinitarian with Sabellian leanings, 
though she has not explicitly stated it that way because she does not like 
using non-Biblical words that mean different things to different people.

A problem here is that you are probably more educated than Judy and use 
words like Arian, a word that probably conveys more meaning to you than it 
does to her.  Speaking on the basis of the Nicene Creed and Arianism to 
someone not well versed on these terms is bound to lead to 
misunderstandings.  See if you can break down your language into Biblical 
terms with which Judy would be more readily aquainted.

I would encourage you to try and communicate in a way that would help you 
better understand what Judy or others like Terry and me might believe. 
Characterizing another TruthTalk member to someone new on the list is 
dangerous, especially when you are painting a member as a heretic.  If you 
think she holds to heretical beliefs, attempt to convey that to her 
directly, and show her why through Scripture instead of relying upon failed 
traditions of men.  Be careful not to call her a heretic.  Attack her 
beliefs as heretical, and attempt to make as strong and passionate a case as 
you can that her belief is heretical.  Allow her space also to demonstrate 
how what she believes is not heretical.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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