On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 08:22:42 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: In a message dated 1/28/2005 5:11:05 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Izzy wrote: They werenât the first to goâJudy is gone, too.

John wote: Not before she did her damage.

John, please do not disparage Judy.  This only forces me to respond and defend my sister.
John: Defend all you want.   The very fact that she was reprimanded more than any in recent weeks is evidence of the struggle she had with stating her case without being insulting.   You have the same problem  -   only in a more sophisticated way.  She was not the only problem for our Messianic friends. 
jt: Still playing the blame game John? Jesus Christ, same yesterday, today, and forever has always been a "rock of offense" As for our  "Messianic friends" they had so much going on in their own lives personally that IMO they did not have the time (or possibly experience) needed to moderate this list. Why constantly needle the listowner - how will this generate love and good-will?

David: Judy did no damage.  She stood up for the Word of God.  She attempted to help others reconcile their teachings with the Word of God.  She did not always do that perfectly, but she did as good as any of us in this difficult process.  I miss her presence here.

John: She didn't need to stand up for the Word of God.   In fact, I would characterize her "[stand]  ...  for the Word" very differently.    She stood up for her interpretation of the Word of God.   And it was the most unusual set of conclusions as I have seen in years  --   nest to yours, of course.    I hasten to add that this uniqueness, per se, is not nor was not the problem.   It was her willingness to impugn the motives and faith of others who disagreed with her interpretation.    
jt:  When one posts exactly what is written - how is this an interpretation John or do you equate transcription with interpretation? As for taking a stand?  What about "contending for the faith once delivered to the saints?" (Jude 3) especially since both Jesus and Paul warned about the grievous wolves who would not spare the flock. They've not gone anywhere, if anything they are greatly multiplied in our generation. As for impugning the motives and faith of others.  I don't go there. Noone serves me. I am serving the Lord and release everyone on TT from any expectation on my part.  It is before your own Master you stand or fall.

David: While I'm saying this, I should perhaps also say that I am very disappointed to learn that Slade has unsubscribed from the list.  I was not aware of this until you had posted this information to the list.  I find it very strange that a moderator of this list would just up and quit like this without communicating with me.  So thank you for alerting me to this change.

John:  He was moderator in name only and he knew this.   That was not the only issue, I am sure.   
jt: Why didn't he talk about these issues with the Listowner?  Fleeing from a responsibility he had initially agreed to is no way to go.

David: If anyone has an interest in moderating this list, please write to me.  My time is limited and Slade's leaving may necessitate me having to take the list down at some point in the future.

John:  Good luck with this request.   When you, David, drew a line between insulting the teaching and insulting the teacher,  you rang the final bell for this forum, in my opinion.   Now, all we have to do is upgrade our ability to insult in such a way as to allow for an appeal to this distinction  -   and all is well.   When you denied that this forum was more than simply a discussion group, you flew in the face of reality, I think.    There was  -  for period of time  -   an obvious sense of brotherhood amonst a majority of those who actually participated.  You once made a move to "shun" me in spite of the fact that this was "just a discussion group."   That kind of inconsistency does not bode well for the forum or for your sense of leadership.  John
jt:  Please explain the above (underlined) John.  I have been here most of the time and I don't recall any of the above. Disagreeing with doctrine is different from insulting the person holding on to it.  In what way did DM deny that TT is simply a discussion group and when did he shun you?  So far I've not seen anyone shunned on this list and as you point out above I am the one who has received the most **reprimands** so it follows that I should be the one with the most to complain about, right?    judyt


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