This was my point to Linda.   The post in question is an off forum post THAT LINDA SHIELDS brought into TT.  Anyone with an ounce of sense knows that the moderator or owner have no control when members of the forum decide to incite riot.             
-----Original Message-----
From: Dean Moore <>
Sent: Sat, 3 Dec 2005 00:54:37 -0500
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Calvin's Beliefs and the fruit of them in his life

cdBro-I have tried hard to understand you in the last few years and have fell short-but if you continue to let these these lost people speak to Izzy in the manner that they have then I will have no choice but to be you enemy-to destroy you the eyes of the brethren in every way I can as one that appears as a angle of light but is in fact a devil. The way I see it no brother would allow this to happen in the first place- Chose you this day whom you will serve-God and be happy or Satan and be sad. Just to let you know who I will be- against you. Stop this trash-now!

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