My 2c worth:

I have always though of Adam and Eve as created mortal, and that that perhaps the eventual plan (before the fall) was for them to partake of the Tree of Life and become immortal.

What would have happened if they had partaken of the Tree of Life after sinning and while in the fallen state? Perhaps they would have eternally been in a fallen state...literally unredeemable.

Most likely they were have been banished from the garden as an act of mercy to protect them from partaking of the tree of life in the fallen state. Then, through God's redemptve plan, they could still gain immortality. Imagine if we all were immortal, and lived eternally in a fallen state.

I do not buy for one moment that god EVER wanted A&E to sin. He created them with free will ( a necessary trait to give "love" any real meaning). Eve was beguiled by Satan and chose to sin. Did He know they would sin? Probably. Did he want them to, or design it so they would? No. Did God have a redemptive plan ready, should they choose to sin? Definitely. Had satan chosen not to decieve Eve, or had she chosen not to sin, would things have been different? Definitely.

The lie that Satan perpetrated in the garden of Eden to deceive Eve is still alive today in some cults..."and ye shall be as gods".


Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] New Subject-A&E
Date: Fri, 09 Dec 2005 09:11:18 -0500

But why would we assume tht the "cahnge" was anything other than a conscieousness of good and evil in association with the violation of law? Why does this "change" include their mortality? I see no reason for this.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, 9 Dec 2005 07:52:03 EST
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] New Subject-A&E

In a message dated 12/8/2005 10:34:55 P.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: Also, there is evidence that Adam and Eve were created just like us -- which includes the fact that they were created "mortal," hence, the The Tree of Life , in the garden.

They did not seem to be aware of their nakedness until they ate the apple. Then they made fig leaf aprons to cover their nakedness. Sounds like they were changed in some mysterious way by eating the apple. I can see it all now--Adam looks at Eve, and sees her for the first time as being desirable. She feels uncomfortable, and asks, why are you staring at me? He blushes--for the first time--and looks away. But steals a glance now and then when she's not looking. :>) Satan assured Eve she would not die by eating the fruit, which indicates she was at that time immortal. Also, God told her if she ate the good stuff on the tree, she would surely die--another evidence she was at that time immortal. They were then kicked out of the garden, to prevent them from eating the fruit of the tree of life, which would have apparently restored their immortality.

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