Dave, and others, this topic has been banned, so please communicate privately on it.

DAVEH:   ???  Nonsense!!!   What are you talking about, Perry?   I do not recall any such ban.   A few days ago, Blaine made a comment regarding the appearance of a lady in leather which Dean apparently perceived as being lustfully charged.  Dean castigated him, accusing him (and other Mormons, if I remember correctly) of having lustful thoughts.  He made a similar charge a several months ago about me, in reference to mention I made regarding Izzy shopping for underwear quite some time ago.  Now this is a guy who seemed to have no problem publicly discussing my (LDS) underwear on TT........so I've got to ask why the double standard???

    If Dean wants to discuss what he perceives as a sexual problem with LDS TTers, and I merely recognize that his comment........

  Satan led people are always accuses others of the very
        thing they are doing..

........might be appropriately attributed to himself when he draws such implicating conclusions.....then why is this topic off limits?   Is this just another example of Christian hypocrisy on TT???

Charles Perry Locke wrote:
Dave, and others, this topic has been banned, so please communicate privately on it.

From: Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Almost(s) & Anti(s)
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2005 21:02:44 -0800

*Who specifically, are we talking about here?  Kevin?   :>)*

DAVEH:   No.......I don't think so, Blaine.  If anybody is hung up on sexual stuff, it seems like Dean gets particularly excited (that may not be the best word to describe the situation) when the topic is broached.


*Who specifically, are we talking about here?  Kevin?   :>)*
  In a message dated 12/12/2005 8:14:09 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

    Very perceptive on your part, Dean.  I have noticed this to be
    patently true.  iz

        Satan led people are always accuses others of the very
        thing they are doing..

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