Blainerb:  I believe most people, being children of God, experience spiritual experiences, possibly termed miracles,  at some time or other in their lives.  I read of such accounts in credible sources quite often.  I have no real reason to doubt the sincerity of these people, who are not even Mormons, usually.    However, the type of miracles mentioned in the scriptures, such as casting out devils,  instantaneous healing by the laying on of hands, being healed by spiritual means, and doing such in the name of Jesus Christ, even raising the dead,  are much rarer.  They do appear in Mormon literature quite often.  My own grandfather, while he was on missions (2) to Norway, reports such events happening.  He writes a detailed account of casting out devils by the laying on of hands, and in the name of Jesus Christ.  He reports healing people, also by the laying on hands, by authority of the priesthood after the order of the Son of God (Melchizedek PH), which he had received before departing for his mission.  He reports being healed, by the laying on of  hands--hands that were felt tangibly but unseen.  He reports seeing other Elders do these things also.  As I said, Mormon literature is full of these things.  As for me, my miracles have been restricted to personal spiritual experiences, of which I have had many--some confirming the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to be true, and the BoM to be true.  I have not healed anyone, nor cast out devils.  Perhaps my faith needs to be strengthened before doing these things. 
In a message dated 12/26/2005 3:38:48 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
IFO would appreciate hearing from you on this.

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: December 25, 2005 15:23
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Who decides

> Blainerb:
>> Just for the record, I believe the Lord was speaking
>> to his apostles, but was speaking concerning all whom
>> they taught.
> That's how I read it too, but I will continue to consider Perry's
> comments.
> Blaine wrote:
>> As Jesus said to Joseph Smith, concerning the Christians
>> of that day, "They teach for doctrines the commandments
>> of men, having a form of Godliness, but denying the power
>> thereof."  (Speaking of the power of  God to perform miracles)
>> The problem is, there is an almost universal disbelief in God's
>> power to perform miraculous acts.  Miracles are commonly
>> reported among Mormon believers--I have experienced a number
>> of them myself--almost always in connection with work in the church.
> Miracles are common among many of the Christian communities that operate
> in
> faith, but this unfortunately is a minority among all the Christians of
> the
> world.  Most of the Mormons I have known and spoken to do not have direct
> experience with miracles.  Perhaps you can share some of your testimony
> with
> us concerning how God has worked miraculously in your Mormon community.
> I watched a movie not too long ago about a Mormon missonary named John
> Groberg whose assignment was Tonga.  It was called, "The Other Side of
> Heaven."  Have you seen it?  What do you think of it?  It seemed a bit
> skimpy on the kind of miracles that I hear from most Christian
> missionaries.
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller.

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