My reaction is not surprise, Lance.  I consider their action to discpline 
Christine to be outrageous and illegal.  You should feel the same way.  It 
is a clear case of discrimination, and at the bottom of the letter is 
written, "an Equal Opportunity Institution."  What hypocrisy!

You ought also consider Christine's young age.  She does not expect this 
kind of hatred from people who claim that we should love and tolerate 
everybody.  She does not expect the lies and falsehoods.  So as a father, I 
also deal with her weeping and hurt over this.  You respond with callousness 
and a completely inept ability to understand the issues involved.  You also 
seem to believe the false reports and false characterizations.  You often 
remind me of the hypocrite Christians who object to us.

Just today, I was with Kevin Deegan in Tampa.  About ten of us were standing 
on the sidewalk.  We were waiting there to regroup with some others.  A man 
came out from a house nearby and began to tell us that we were on private 
property and he wanted us to move on.  He did not want to see the banners. 
At first I said that this was public property, not private, but we would be 
moving along very soon.  Then I was prompted by the Spirit to deliver a 
message.  I raised my hands, pointing toward heaven to Jesus, and I raised 
my voice in preaching style and said, "Sir, Jesus says that if you are 
ashamed of him, he will be ashamed of you on the day of judgment when you 
stand before him on that day."  He ignored me at first, so I said it again. 
Then he looked at me directly, and so I said it a third time as I looked him 
directly in the eyes. Then he asked me why I was dressed up, telling me that 
I should look like him and have beads around my neck and a drink in my hand. 
I said, "there is nothing wrong with looking nice, is there?"  He agreed 
that I looked nice, and I smiled and walked over and shook his hand.  As I 
talked with him a little, he warmed up and I placed my hand on his shoulder 
in a loving way and asked him if I could pray with him.  He said sure, but 
it was not necessary because he was fine.  I said, "you are fine?"  "Yes," 
he said, "I am a minister, a Presbyterian ordained minister of the gospel." 
Suddenly I knew why I was so motivated to tell him that Jesus would be 
ashamed of him if he was ashamed of us standing out in front of his house. 
What kind of Christianity is this?

I know you hate my little anecdotes which you take to be so full of pride, 
but I just had to tell you this one because in many ways, this man makes me 
think of you.

David Miller.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Lance Muir
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2006 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Free Speech

No Judy, that is not my meaning. DM's post seemed to indicate surprise over 
the school's response. Why? When one enters the 'fray' one ought to expect 
persons to contest her point of view. She is a woman and, peer to many who 
don't like what she is doing.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Judy Taylor
Sent: January 28, 2006 11:51
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Free Speech

Are you intimating that Christine is "harmful" because she speaks the truth 
in a public
setting Lance?  Sad that there is no honor or wisdom in these places of 
learning ie:
"Professing themselves to be wise they became fools"

On Sat, 28 Jan 2006 09:11:44 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Be wise as serpents, harmless as doves. This would appear NOT to describe 
If she climbs in the ring then, she'd best be prepared for combat.
From: Judy Taylor

I, for one am apalled by the Reprimand sent to Christine Miller by the 
University of
Florida - My how far we have fallen.  Where is the freedom of speech we are 
and why is it OK to promote every perversion publicly on this Campus but 
God's Truth is
ridiculed and maligned?

I find it interesting that the ppl who came up to Christine in private to 
agree with her stand
were too timid and fearful to support her publicly. This is truly 

Christine is being persecuted for the sake of righteousness.

It may be hard on the flesh but you should be rejoicing Christine that you 
are counted
worthy to suffer for His Names sake...

God Bless you ...


"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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