> [Original Message]
> From: David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org>
> Date: 1/30/2006 7:48:23 PM
> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk]  Was Jesus of God's Nature?
> I'm not caught up on reading, but I just have to say, Judy, that you are
> hearing Bill properly.  He did answer your question.  Many heresies
> up and those who wrote in the first few centuries after the Biblical
> addressed these heresies.  You personally don't understand this because
> are not well read in the church fathers.

cd: I don't think you are hearing us properly David. WE/I am saying that
Christ did not appear in our heathren state-He appeared in the state we are
after salvation nor before salvation. As a born again believer I have flesh
and blood I can choose to sin-but chose not to-I am a spiritual child of
Abraham due to abdoption from the heathen state-I was changed to become
more Christ like. Jesus did not lower himself to that level to become a
> Also, the Biblical writers were not negligent about the relationship of 
> Jesus and the incarnation.  There is at least as much about that as there
> about his Divinity.  That is why Christianity divided so much over
> who Jesus was:  God or man.  Well... he was BOTH!  Duh.

cd: But there is also much about His divinity also David.We are not saying
he wasn't flesh and blood- you seem to think He reduced himself down to the
lowest state of sin -where we were. Yet he clearly states that Satan had no
claim on Him.
> Everybody is just describing two sides of the same coin and trying to
> that the other side is lying about what the coin actually looks like. 
> a coin up right now, Judy.  Describe its face to yourself.  Then have
> husband describe the tail side.  Do this while you both are looking at
> same coin.  Do you both describe it the same way?  No.  Why?  You are
> looking at different sides.  That's what you and Bill are doing in this 
> conversation.  Please TRY to hear what Bill is saying.  He is using
> Deal with that

cd: We don't think you guys are clearly/accuritely describing you side of
the coin. When we looked at your side we find you are mistaken -we saw that
your side was cleaner-with more beauty than what you described to us. 
> David Miller.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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