----- Original Message -----
Sent: January 30, 2006 12:36
Subject: Re: Fw: [TruthTalk] The spirit of anti-christ

orthodxy IS the issue.  either the heresies at hand were settled by the fathers or they were settled by the Nestoriuns.  either St. Gregory's statement about the 'unassumed being unhealed' is correct, or it is not.  either Jesus became human to deal with the human condition, or he did not.  either I was crucified with Christ as a human being, or I was not. 
the question, in any event ought to be: if the new covenant is in effect, and there is indeed a new creation established in the resurrection of Jesus, and if the identity of the person of Jesus is written into the flesh of my heart and known by my mind without benefit or need of teaching; then why am I impelled to argue one side while someone else argues the other?  this seems to me the more important question.  why do we remain in the dark when the light is always shining?  if I have been crucified with Christ, what is there to be afraid of, and yet, why am I still afraid?  why is the comfort that was promised to me by my Lord and of which I have occasional awareness a transient experience?  eschatalogically speaking: for what is my experience as a human being preparing me?

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