
4. Will you kindly name those 'believing scientists' with whom you've
engaged? I'll name but two for now with whom you might 'engage'. 1. John
Polkinghorne (See his newest: 'Science and The Trinity - The Christian
Encounter with Reality' 2004 2. Alexei V. Nesteruk 'Light from the East -
Theology, Science, and the Eastern Orthodox Tradition'2003. Should you
actually check 'em out, you'll see competence in both disciplines.

5. Once again I'll name but two; Thomas V. Morris 'The Logic of God
Incarnate', 1986 2. 'Faith and Rationality: Reason and Belief in God', 1984

Should you wish to present the positive side of rationalism, dualism,
reductionism and, perhaps even gnosticism then, I should like to hear it.


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