General MacArthur used American and Australian forces to coordinate an attack which led to the Japanese surrender. The day of the surrender Brigadier General MacArthur became Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces and was promoted to General of the Army, a five-star general. MacArthur occupied Japan to help rebuild its governmental system. A devout Episcopalian, MacArthur said to a visiting group of evangelicals that "Japan is a spiritual vacuum. If you do not fill it with Christianity, it will be filled with Communism. Send me 1,000 missionaries." He asked U.S. missionary societies to send "Bibles, Bibles and more Bibles.”  It is a shame that incarcerated Jihadists are not given Bibles, because one Islamist, Tawfik Hamid, said that what made him eventually reject extremist beliefs was his having read Matthew 5:7-9: Before leaving college, he carried two boxes of books -- all espousing jihad -- into his yard. He poured gasoline over the pile and set it on fire. A healed mind, he felt, could rise only from the ashes of hate. While he watched the blaze, he
remembered reading the Bible on his own in high school, and the words that
had so moved him. "Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." "Blessed are the
peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God."

Nutt, Amy Ellis. "What Makes a Terrorist?", 23 Dec 2005,

Other similar ex-terrorists include Walid Shoebat, Zak Anani and Ibrahim Abadallah.

Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is this what we are fighting for?

I talked to a returning GI, who is a Christian.
He told me he was praying for fellowship with another Christian.
Orders or whatever keep the Christians from displaying such offensive
materials as crosses. In addition it is against policy to talk to
locals about such subjects as Christianity.
He said the Chaplains office only has Korans, could this be true?
Man has to Sue to get a Bible! While Koran is easily obtained.
US Gov't Fights in court to KEEP BIBLE OUT!

US Gov't SOP for "handling the Koran in manner signaling respect and

LOL - US military attempts to preserve the tender sensibilities of
Is this a separation of Church State issue?
Why NO Respect/Reverence fo our Bible?

--- ShieldsFamily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> >From
> Rome, 22 March (AKI) - Abdul Rahman, the man condemned to death for
> having > abandoned Islam, is just one of many Afghanis who decide to convert > to > Christianity, but most are forced to do so secretly, argues Arab > Christian > author Camille Eid. In an interview with Adnkronos International > (AKI) Eid, > author of "The Christians who come from Islam", said during a recent > trip to > Afghanistan he met many similar cases. "They are Christians who have > sprung > out of nowhere and it's unclear how they have decided by themselves > to  convert" he added. The US, Italy, Germany and Canada have all  expressed  concern over the fate of Rahman who converted to Christianity 16  years ago. 
> "I also spoke to a priest who had passed through Kabul and he said he
> was
> amazed that women sitting on the ground at the local market saw he
> was a
> foreigner and a Christian, by the cross he was wearing, and attracted
> his
> attention to them by making a sign of the cross with their fingers.
> He was
> convinced that they were trying to send him a coded message" said
> Eid, a
> Lebanese Maronite who lives in Italy.
> According to the author, Abdul Rahman is not the first Afghan citizen
> to
> have been sentenced to death for apostasy since the fall of the
> Taliban
> regime.
> "The Islamic Taliban militias who still control entire areas of the
> country
> issued a statement in June 2004 in which they referred to a death
> sentence
> handed down to an Afghan converted to Christianity, Moulawi Asad
> Allah."

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