Broken Cisterns

Jeremiah 2:13 says
For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water.

Jesus promises that "whosoever drinketh of the water that i shall give him shall never thirst."  Jesus is that living water, and he provides the way, the truth and the life.  His water is life itself. Eternal life in heaven WITH Jesus and victory on Earth IN Jesus.

Christian, are you in victory? 
Or are you still drinking from broken cisterns?

Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin that doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, LOOKING UNTO JESUS the author and finisher of our faith....(Hebrews 12:1-2)

Are you looking unto JESUS? 

Or are you Weighed down still?   (Turn your TV off, perhaps.)  Turn your eyes upon Jesus.

And for now, check out some Charles Spurgeon. (while keeping your eyes on Jesus still!)  (if you can walk and chew gum at the same time, I think you can grasp that!)

The famous preacher, Charles Spurgeon once wrote:

"Men are in a restless pursuit after satisfaction in earthly things. They will exhaust themselves in the deceitful delights of sin, and, finding them all to be vanity and emptiness, they will become very perplexed and disappointed. But they will still continue their fruitless search.

"Though wearied, they still stagger forward under the influence of spiritual madness, and though there is no result to be reached except that of everlasting disappointment, yet they press forward. They have no forethought for their eternal state; the present hour absorbs them. They turn to another and another of earth's broken cisterns, hoping to find water where not a drop was ever discovered yet.

An anonymous student adds, "Madness is an apt description of the continual pursuit of feeding the flesh, is it not? I once heard someone say that the definition of insanity is to continually do the same thing over and over expecting different results each time. Is that not what we did in our days in Egypt? Did we not continue to look back to being in slavery, feeling guilty and unfulfilled every single time, yet thinking that maybe the next attempt would fill up the emptiness inside us? I know that's what I did for years and it truly was madness to think I could find true lasting satisfaction in this way."

If you have always been in victory, Praise God! 

If you used to be in victory, return to GOD.

If you never had the victory, get a hold of GOD!!!!

Keep reaching for the victory!

FYI, Remember why it's important to have a clean testimony!  "But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them"......."The harvest truly is plenteous but the labourers are few.'"   ---Matthew 9:36-37

Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost.  No one can serve two masters. 
Are you bowing to Jesus Christ, or the god of this world?  Do you love the things that God loves (his word, his people, sharing his truths, righteousness, preaching the gospel, teaching all nations) or do you love the patterns of this world? (is GOD your hobby and hobbies your god?????????  Pro sports, things, consumerism, the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life.) 

What drives you?  What controls you?  What moves you?  What excites you?

My prayer is that all of us will be able to honestly say JESUS CHRIST! Serving GOD! Reaching the LOST!

It's hard to have compassion when we are in bondage to sin.  It's hard to want to see people saved when we are yielded to the devil.  It's hard to hear the voice of God when we listen to the cravings of the flesh.

We don't need to be perfect, but a Christian should progressively want to move toward the light.  If you are in regular sin, and aren't bothered by it, what makes you think you are saved?  If you are not in sin, and aren't witnessing and don't have a burden for the lost, what makes you think you are saved?

It's time to do more for God.  My heart breaks when I see us not broken over lost souls, when I see us not broken over how many see salvation as a license to sin.  God will not be mocked.  Please search your hearts, please seek his face, and please humble yourself and cry out to him to set you on fire, and to use you while there's still time left.

March is almost over, 2006 is 25% down, and life is but a vapor.  Time is Marching on and we lose an hour next week.  Resurrection Sunday is coming up, when Jesus rose from the dead DEFEATING DEATH.  God's love of the word and his hatred of sin met in one supreme divine moment. 

Spring is now on us, a time of renewal.  The days will shine brighter---will our lives shine brighter as well??? Let's make today the day to get right with God.  Let's admit we are lukewarm, let's admit that we have forsaken our first love, let's admit we've forgotten what it was like when we first were saved.  Amen?

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