On Tue, 24 Apr 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> April 24, 2001
> Hey, does anyone know of a good GUI POP e-mail client?  I don't want to use
> Netscape's or Mozilla's versions because you have to open the browser to
> access the mail reader.  I tried Gnomail and couldn't get it to work,
> either.  I'd like to avoid the text-based versions if at all possible, as
> well...
I don't understand what people have against text-based clients.  They
can be quite easy to use with a little bit of practice.
Anyway, the only gui mail client I've used is mozilla's

> Also, I have problems getting mail from Mozilla to send as well.  I set up
> the correct POP accounts and it will send mail, yet won't receive.  Any
> suggestions here?
Umm, which are you having problems with, sending or recieving?  If it's
recieving, check your pop settings.  If it's sending, make sure that you
have mozilla pointed at the right SMTP server.

E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        If you love something, set it free.
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