On Sun, Sep 16, 2001 at 08:59:12PM -0500, Sean M. Foy wrote:
> I'm using GRUB.

I'm really glad to see this.  I am using grub on one of my
machines, and it is just great.

> Although some people seem to think GRUB needs to be reinstalled every time
> you add a kernel, there is not universal agreement on this point.

I have never had to reinstall grub; I believe that sentiment is
just leftover from experience with lilo.  I have only needed to
edit menu.lst (as you suggest later in your email).

> initrd hasn't worked for me since the original (to Mandrake 7.2)
> 2.2.17-21mdk; I didn't use it under 2.4.3 and I'm not trying to use it under
> 2.4.9.
> So, any other ideas?

Did you compile in ramdisk and initrd support (vs. just making
them a module?)?

Is /boot/vmlinux-2.4.9smp a symbolic link to somewhere
problematic or is it a real file?


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