I was planning on updating my website tonight, but I am encountering some 
interesting problems. I first connected with the "ftp" command, logged in 
successfully, but could not get a directory listing. Typing "ls" or "dir" 
results in the message "227 Entering Passive Mode 
(65,57,234,170,224,168)." which is normal, but then the connection times 
out. Next I logged in anonomyously with a similiar result.
I tried lftp and the same thing happend. So I grudely started X up and 
tried gftp, which also timed out. Next I sshed to gold and connected to my 
site from there and could get the listing with no problem, which leads me 
to believe that things are working fine on that end. I can ftp to 
normally other sites, tux.org for example. Basically I'm wondering if 
there is an easy way to determine if the problem is a result of my 
configuration or ITS.

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