> Great, thanks for the feed back! I will talk to the site owner... 
> However, if we pursue this, we will need to ask for someone's time to 
> help us with these tests, or at least teach us how... currently none of 
> us on the site are avid linux users... I am working a 6-month 
> internship this semester in St. Louis.. otherwise I would be at the 
> TSLUG meetings... I plan on attending the meetings again starting in 
> January.

There are several LUGs that meet in St. Louis. At least one a week.
My personal favorite is ArchLUG (http://www.archlug.org/), but currently
doesn't hold meetings, being a sort of meta-group right now and still in
the process of forming. For meatspace meetings, my favorite is MOSLUG, but 
they just had their meeting last night - your timing is terrible! <g>

In St. Charles, there's the STCLUG, and Hazelwood has a newbie LUG, HZLUG.
The SILUG meetings in O'Fallon are nice too.

Check http://groups.yahoo.com/group/stllug/cal for the details on a number
of area LUGs, and sign up to the group if you want automatic email reminders.
There's a List-O-Links there too.



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