Thomas Vandahl wrote:
Intermediate Status report:

Scott Eade wrote:
   * Deprecate ScheduleService for reasons stated earlier.
Scott: Would you please be so kind as to look over the documentation of
the fulcrum-quartz component, so that the transition is a bit easier?
I agree that the fulcrum-quartz documentation is a little light.
   * Update to Velocity 1.5 (perhaps with one or two dependencies)
This needs to be synchronized with the Torque stuff, I found. Work in
   * Delete the ComponentService (and remove the Stratum dependency) -
     the AvalonComponentService and ACSYaafiComponentService can be
     used instead instead.  Obviously this needs to be highlighted in
     the release notes.
Done. Documentation needs to be adjusted/removed.
   * Update to a dated snapshot of Torque 3.3-rc3 with a caveat that
     turbine-2.3.3 final will not be released until torque -3.3 final
     has been released.
This probably needs a number of steps. Work in progress. Updated to
Torque 3.2 already.
- Compiled a list of further candidates for removal. Needs to be reviewed.
See my response.

Excellent progress Thomas!


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