I've built an ant file that downloads and builds maven .... well almost.
When I call
an ant task to operate on the build-bootstrap.xml the build fails:

        <ant antfile="${maven.dir}/build-bootstrap.xml"
                dir="${maven.dir}" />

It successfully creates the bootstrap directory in the directory where
the maven
code is located and compiles the maven classes
(bootstrap/classes) and copies over the top-level maven build-XXX.xml
files; but
when it gets to doing the plugins it creates a new bootstrap directory
in the
directory in which I lauched ant and attempts to put the plugins into
The last output is
[create-build-system] Generating to file

It puts the bootstrap.report in the correct directory, but it attempts
to put
the plugins in the directory

I am doing this so that others in my group need only execute an ant file
to get maven, and
to document how to do it.


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