>>>>> On Thu, 6 Mar 2003 09:04:08 -0600 , "Frey, John (MED)" said:

John> I'm trying to determine the best tool for integrating maven with
John> an Automated Build Tool such as GUMP.  As far as I can tell the
John> three main competitors are gump, anthill, anthill-pro, and
John> CruiseControl.

Maven will have a sister project called Continuum, which is the
continuous integration build system that uses Maven.  I believe Jason
has done some initial work on Continuum; however, it is not ready for
use at the moment.  Jason will be able to provide more details.

As for integrating with one of the others you mention, there are users
on this list that can probably provide you with more information.
I know Jeff Brekke uses Cruise Control and can provide some insight
into the integration issues.

Personally, I just have Maven kicking off and building my project's
site every 15 minutes if a source change has been made to the repo.
Very rudimentary and not very exciting as its only building one


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