Em Domingo 23 Abril 2006 21:22, Michele Cella escreveu:


> The base Widget class should be the most basic one and should present a
> general concept of component without making assumptions regarding the
> params that will be used (value is assumed in this case).

I don't believe we should try solving or enforcing good practices by making it 
harder for them to shoot themselves in their feet.  We shouldn't change 
things just because of that.

> We have a nice, clean, slim and easy to use, explain and understand
> Widget base class that is *only* focused on the creation of
> reusable-components.

This looks good to have...  But it is achievable as of today.  I've done that 
with Select-Shuttle and MochiInterpreter, both on CheeseShop...  

> Ok, I know we shouldn't continue to touch things but I can't think of
> any backward incompatibility (please point them out if you can see
> them) and these functionalities are just shifted to InputWidget, that's
> where they really belong IMHO.
> Enough craziness for today? good night guys.

If no test fails and nobody sees any trouble with that I have no objection.  
Besides, better doing that before 0.9a5 than later.

But I really would like that this became more stable.  If it is to make it 
easier, go for it.

Jorge Godoy      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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