On Nov 7, 2007 8:50 AM, Christoph Zwerschke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Florent Aide wrote:
> > I would like to propose something for our coding standards: I would
> > like to ban "import *" from our code and impose the use of explicit
> > import everywhere.
> > This will greatly enhance readability and maintenability in the long
> run.
> >
> > Any suggestions?
> Good idea. Some of them seem to be even completely unnecessary, such as
> "from turbojson.jsonify import *" in saprovider.py.
> One special case are the imports from sqlobject, sqlalchemy and elixir
> in model.py. In this case, importing * makes some sense.

I disagree on model.  It's one thing to say, "Yes, these well-known,
supported, redistributable modules support the __all__ convention, and we
know they will in the future."  But it's another thing to say, "we're going
to quickstart your application in a way that says you are hereby ordered to
use the __all__ convention in your internal code and keep it up-to-date".

For example, I've been burned more than once by the "from datetime import
datetime" that's auto-generated in model.py and leaked into the controller
namespace via importing *.  Sure, that issue would be solved by using
__all__, but I think it's asking too much to force every user to keep an
__all__ up-to-date for a file that isn't necessarily intended for reuse.


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