I personaly am not using Identity on any of my major projects for
various reasons.   But I know there are probably at least some Idenity
users, who are reasonably happy with Identity.

In TG2 I'd like to drop idenity as it exists, and replace it with
something smaller.

The visit framework can be dropped in favor of beaker sessions (which
can be stored in memory, on disk, in the database, or via memcached),
but I think the users/groups/permissions model makes sense to put into
the new identity replacement, as does the require decorator, and it's
basic authorization logic.   Beyond that, I'd really like to make it
easy to write your own authorization decorators, so that you can do
more complex logic checks (are you the author of this specific blog
entry, etc) , but this should be easy enough.

However, all of these plans are based on three things:

1) enough people use identity to make API compatibility important
2) people using visit extensively are OK with switching to beaker
3) somebody who uses identity extensively is willing to provide some
advice, testing, and help.

I think it likely that 1 is true, but I'm not sure about 2 and 3.
Any thoughts?

Mark Ramm-Christensen
email: mark at compoundthinking dot com
blog: www.compoundthinking.com/blog

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