Hmm... I haven't started using Ajax in TG yet, so I had not thought of
that.  Since I am planning on using ajax, I had better figure out what I
am going to do. :-)

Thanks much.


>I use the same approach(decorator on selectioned url links). The login
>form is just a normal Kid generated form. The backend is done through
>SQLObject on a postgres database.
>I don't need the generic infrastructure like MultiAuth(LDAP/AD etc.)
>The issue I have seen so far for this kind of form-based authentication
>is when I use JSON/ajax(like the MochiKit ajax_table example). If I
>protect that link with login, there is a slim chance that whan mochikit
>received is HTML instead of JSON, this is possible like when the
>session expired(thus relogin needed). Of course, the ajax js code can
>be enhanced to deal with this.

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